Multi Model Cargo Line can provide you with access to good rail operators and a suite of quality services as a neutral rail freight forwarder.

We can also design and integrate the necessary logistics services, including packaging, cargo insurance, customs clearance even for complex projects, such as dismantling and reconstructing entire plants.

We are specialized in:

  • Block train, single-car and intermodal transport
  • Hazardous goods and oversized shipments
  • Special services, including supplying raw materials to manufacturers, rail-connected consolidation hubs for retailers, and complete management of major industrial projects.

Contact Us

We provide end to end - door to door logistics solutions/services as well as single window, Port to Port & Intermodal transportation. Shipping Services worldwide. Multi-modal transportation is our specialty. Whether it is 1 cbm or 1 gmwe have our worldwide networks and logistics partners thru whom we shall be able to ship your product from origin to destination worldwide including the islands.