Currently Multi Model Cargo Line is operating some of its own fleet and also the company is having leased (Master lease/Sub-lease) containers from worldwide renowned leasing companies.

The Company is having couple of One Way-Multiple Way, repositioning arrangement with couple of container trader, shipping line, container line and container leasing companies.

To meet with the growing demand of the customer the company is looking for similar arrangement with other companies dealing with container or shipping lines or container lines or container trader or container leasing companies interested to extend their hand for this business co-operation.

The company is looking for:

  • Long term lease – Sub-lease
  • Short term lease – Master Lease
  • One way/Multiple way - repositioning arrangement

Container Trading

The company also actively involved into Container Trading. We buy containers from any/various part of the world and also we sale containers in any part of the world (subject to rate acceptance). We prefer mainly 2nd hand containers (preferably less used and less aged) including specials such as Reefers, OT, FR, FB etc. etc.